segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011
Fallen, the Liones platoon roars
If it were the "weapon of mass destruction" of Saddan a stargate to the biblical times in the past, the story could be changed?
Four Marines deployed in Iraq disappear. A woman receives a military notifiication. her husband had been "killed in action". when she gets back clothes of the dead military, finds one artifact with Sumerian tablets. The word "treasure thieves" scrawled in his diary, leads the woman to take a journey with formers female Marines, the liones, through the deserts of the Middle East, retracing a journey of 4000 years by Moses, pursued by Pharaoh and records of Daniel in the Bible. And the trail of the missing Marines.A link to the past opens. And it can change our history as we know.
A story, according to the Zecharia Sitchin teory, in the Genre with elements of Supernatural, Time travel, Especulation Fiction, Hard Sci-fi and Military subgenre.
terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011
A arte da Escrita de Ficção
Curso Online de técnicas literárias
Alguma vez você já sonhou em escrever um livro e não sabe como começar? Que tal tornar-se um escritor de Ficção dominando as técnicas de bestsellers?
Saudações! Meu nome é Tony Scostt. Sou jornalista, roteirista e autor de dois títulos “ Cyber Gigolo” e “Fallen” e editor das revistas “Rio by night” e “Sampa by night”. Possivelmente, se você for um autor Brasileiro que escreva apenas para si mesmo ou meia dúzia de pessoas, não terá interesse em ser um profisssional de sucesso. Ou escrever algo que vire filme, preferindo escrever por hobby, acertei? É natural que no Brasil os escritores com talento não queiram ganhar dinheiro com Ficção. É muito melhor escrever por lazer e deixar que estrangeiros ganhem nosso mercado. Aqui vendemos anualmente cerca de U$ 500 milhoes por ano e 86% destes livros são de autores estrangeiros como Dan Brown ( Código Da Vinci) J.R.R. Tolkien ( Senhor dos Anéis) J. K. Rowling (Harry Potter) Stephenie Meyer( Crepúsculo)
Enquanto nosso mercado engatinha consumindo U$ 500 milhões ao ano, nos EUA chega a U$ 38 bilhões. Porque não tornar-se um escritor de ficção alimentando milhares de editoras nos EUA?
Se você for um aspirante a escritor, então este curso é para você. Não existe dom, mas técnicas que podem ser desenvolvidas, bastando ter forte desejo e disciplina para escrever.
Curso de escrita de Ficção
16 hs cada
2 aulas por semana
Módulo 1- Ponto de vista, Narrativa, Narrativa e como encontrar sua Voz e estilo
Modulo 2- Caracterização. Personagens profundos. Arquétipos e Eneagrama
Módulo 3- Cenas, Seqüelas,Ganchos, Transição e Técnicas de estrutura de Ficção
Modulo 4- Técnicas de Flashback,Antecipação, Escrita Descritiva
Modulo 5- Premisa irresistível. Capas arrebatadoras. Títulos que vendem
Módulo 6-Plataforma Kindle, e-books, Barnes & Nobles, Marketing, 2000 Press releases jornalistas-Booktrailer – Segredos do Bestseller no Amazon.
quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010
Lethal green
Beware. Is there Something wrong with the wether around the world and it can reach you. And begins no so far from you.
What could be more lethal to humanity since the glacial era? Watch your back. Are you ready to the worse?
Thirty year old Regis Ricci, an ambitious ex-reporter for CNN in Baghdad, dreams of receiving a recommendation for the Pulitzer Prize in Investigative Journalism.
In 2009 he does a report on the relationship between drug trafficking in Rio de Janeiro and the Colombian drug cartel. Infiltrated in a drug dealer's stronghold, he is found and has been seriously wounded. When he tries to go back to his old life, he discovers that his tapes have been stolen by his brother-in-law Carlo Mendell, who ends ups winning an international journalism award with the report.
Determined to investigate his brother-in-law and helped by his nephew Allan, a hacker, and Daniel R., an experienced reporter, he discovers that there is something more valuable that drugs motivating the greed of his brother-in-law, his assistant Simone and a certain Senator: a huge diamond mine in the Amazon Jungle.
When he meets up again with Anna Mizian, his old girlfriend, he discovers that they have a daughter together who suffers from cerebral palsy and requires special medical care. His notions about emotional commitments and everyday life are challenged. Finding himself to be increasingly involved with Anna and with the outlook of being a father, he accepts a job offer. However, his nephew Allan disappears, lured by the drug trafficking trade.
With all roads leading to the jungle, there is still something holding him back from travelling to the Amazon: his fear of venomous animals. Regis has reached his breaking point. He has to decide whether to go and rescue Allan, or to lead a peaceful life by Anna's side with his daughter.
When he goes to find Anna, he is hit with a bombshell. He finds her in the arms of her brother-in-law. Amid vows of love, she reveals that Julia's biological father is none other than Mendell. The goal of keeping Regis as far away as possible from the trail of the diamond mine.
Emotionally devastated, he decides to overcome his traumas and go after Allan in the Amazon. After embarking upon survival training with Daniel, they are ambushed and he is captured. But he is no longer afraid. Quite the contrary, he now encounters a sense of balance in the midst of all the danger.
Régis being chased deeper and deeper into the jungle, where he unearths something much more sinister: an Iranian ultracentrifuge for uranium enrichment. An unimaginable location, due to the logistical ease of the raw material, uranium and warlike, due to the presence of nuclear warheads pointed at Europe and the USA. If exploded, the ultracentrifuge would leak nuclear radiation, ultimately leading to the destruction of the rain forest and imposing a threat to the entire human race.
Lethal green
Beware. Is there Something wrong with the wether around the world and it can reach you. And begins no so far from you.
What could be more lethal to humanity since the glacial era? Watch your back. Are you ready to the worse?
Thirty year old Regis Ricci, an ambitious ex-reporter for CNN in Baghdad, dreams of receiving a recommendation for the Pulitzer Prize in Investigative Journalism.
In 2009 he does a report on the relationship between drug trafficking in Rio de Janeiro and the Colombian drug cartel. Infiltrated in a drug dealer's stronghold, he is found and has been seriously wounded. When he tries to go back to his old life, he discovers that his tapes have been stolen by his brother-in-law Carlo Mendell, who ends ups winning an international journalism award with the report.
Determined to investigate his brother-in-law and helped by his nephew Allan, a hacker, and Daniel R., an experienced reporter, he discovers that there is something more valuable that drugs motivating the greed of his brother-in-law, his assistant Simone and a certain Senator: a huge diamond mine in the Amazon Jungle.
When he meets up again with Anna Mizian, his old girlfriend, he discovers that they have a daughter together who suffers from cerebral palsy and requires special medical care. His notions about emotional commitments and everyday life are challenged. Finding himself to be increasingly involved with Anna and with the outlook of being a father, he accepts a job offer. However, his nephew Allan disappears, lured by the drug trafficking trade.
With all roads leading to the jungle, there is still something holding him back from travelling to the Amazon: his fear of venomous animals. Regis has reached his breaking point. He has to decide whether to go and rescue Allan, or to lead a peaceful life by Anna's side with his daughter.
When he goes to find Anna, he is hit with a bombshell. He finds her in the arms of her brother-in-law. Amid vows of love, she reveals that Julia's biological father is none other than Mendell. The goal of keeping Regis as far away as possible from the trail of the diamond mine.
Emotionally devastated, he decides to overcome his traumas and go after Allan in the Amazon. After embarking upon survival training with Daniel, they are ambushed and he is captured. But he is no longer afraid. Quite the contrary, he now encounters a sense of balance in the midst of all the danger.
Régis being chased deeper and deeper into the jungle, where he unearths something much more sinister: an Iranian ultracentrifuge for uranium enrichment. An unimaginable location, due to the logistical ease of the raw material, uranium and warlike, due to the presence of nuclear warheads pointed at Europe and the USA. If exploded, the ultracentrifuge would leak nuclear radiation, ultimately leading to the destruction of the rain forest and imposing a threat to the entire human race.
sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010
Cyber gigolo
Behind the monitor there may be someone that does not only want your money or your body. They may want your soul or feelings. How can someone be ready to take advantage of the needy in the internet world? .......A young game developer , spends all his time with young game maniacs on line and starts losing interest in the real world. He wins an international trip and wants to prove that the virtual world is not just a waste of time. After , his parents separate he starts to teach Julie , which is his mother , the tricks to use the net. After finding out that cibernetics relationships have become a fad and possibly dangerous , he tries to warn her , but she starts using the social on line networks and becomes compulsive and escapes from reality. All of a sudden the families` life changes , with a big attack on the emotional structure of the family. After this their way of thinking quickly changes about the virtual world and they start to look into the sub virtual world to find these horrible prof
Soon available at Amazon. com
1942 - El Alamein: A Italian paratroopers squad led by the Prince Costantino Ruspoli has the mission to protect positions against the British forces. But they’re left behind by Rommel The heroic behavior of the Folgore Division during the Second battle of El Alamein in resisting the attacks of six British divisions (two armored and four infantry) inspired the respect and admiration of its enemy. Lacking effective anti-tank weapons, the Italian paratroopers managed to stop British tanks only with a few obsolete 47/32 guns and petrol bombs. Folgore division having run out of water , withdrew from the El Alamein, carrying their anti-tanks weapons . They had exhausted their ammunition but refused to raise their hands in surrender or show the white flag.
terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2009
What's up?
According to Elizabeth Benedict
We are sex-crazed Puritans, scandalized by President Clinton's indiscretions but eager to read, while waiting on the supermarket checkout line, the women's magazine article entitled "Twelve Dirty Words That'll Drive Your Man Wild." Twenty million people a year visit Las Vegas, where strip shows and "exotic dancers" who make house calls are as plentiful as slot machines, but we elect neighbors to school boards who will ban Toni Morrison's novels from the high school library. Men, women, and children are bombarded hourly with pornography on our computers, much of it via e-mail, unsolicited I read one morning in my inbox, but in many school districts, sex education classes are as popular as needle exchange programs. In Georgia, Alabama, and Texas, it's illegal to own a vibrator but not a gun.
The truth is that different populations, religions, and interest groups have different values—and many of us are full of internal erotic conflict, engaged in a struggle between what we desire and what is permissible or possible. A snapshot of the culture at this moment suggests that we want it all: sex, titillation, true love, and family values.
quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009
Era uma vez...
Um homem com tendência a admirar o belo. Que lia poemas e se expressava pela música. Desfilava sua sensibilidade de homem natural através da admiração pela artes. Sensível e sincero, sem ostentação e arrogância. Um homem cujos músculos cerebrais eram constamente trabalhados em exaustivas abdominais mentais, que lhe deixavam o cérebro com aquela aparência de tanquinho. Exercitava sua sensibilidade viajando pelos sentidos básicos...pelo olfato ao sentir o perfume das flores. Pela música ao ouvir melodias dos acordes que lhe tocavam o coração. Pela visão do sorriso da mulher amada, que feliz e satisfeita, lhe transmitia o prazer de compartilhar. Pelo paladar, ao devorar letras á exaustão. E que tateava os corações alheios expressando-se de forma natural. Comum e sensível e que nada mais possuía além do lugar comum e da rotina.Este homem viu nascer uma nova mulher.
A mulher que caça e vê no homem sensível e natural,uma fraqueza da alma e do corpo. O corpo simbolizado pelo nascimento de outro tipo de homem, muito mais atrativo.
A que cultua os músculos abdominais da insensibilidade do coração, recheado pela pujança fálica de sua conta bancária.Tal qual epidemia, esta nova mulher espalhando seu vírus, passou a contaminar suas iguais, que passaram a admirar o Cyber Neanderthalensis, desprovido de essência de músculos mentais, cujo expoente máximo de admiração oscilava entre Arnold Schwarzenegger e o herói de “O ultimo tango em Paris”. Que se orgulhava das brincadeiras de sedução, da barriguinha tanquinho e conta bancária. Que gostava de ser chamado de “meio-cafajeste” um afago no ego que lhe soava como “irresistível e chamoso.”O homem natural e sensível perdera a preferencia desta nova mulher, que agora cultuava o novo homem Cyber Neanderthalensis cuja maior preocupação era usar uma fita métrica para medir seu poder fálico estampado no sorriso da nova mulher, que passara assim a buscar mais e mais espécies para suprir sua carência afetiva cada vez maior, cujo vazio existencial só aumentava a cada Enter e delete de seu mais novo brinquedinho de sedução, em um entra e sai febril, literalmente.O antigo homem natural e sensível morreu.
E quem causou sua morte foi a nova mulher que pariu um novo homem.
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